Monday, October 22, 2012

Salah birthdate..what???

Hehe..hello again dear readers..

Do you still remember the entry of my handmade birthday cards? This one.. turns out that it is not Kak Sham's birthday.. Haha..memang malu la.. Salah tarikh plak. Tapi takpe, Kak Sham kate it will be an advance birthday wish..hohoho..

Rupenye I salah dengar waktu dia cerita perihal birthday dalam kerete waktu I antar dia ke Serdang Station tu.. Its her cousin's birthday that saturday.. Huhu.. Nampaknye card tu memang sangat advance la coz birthday Kak Sham is on May kot.. Jauh giler lagi.. Hahahaha..

Even though I dah salah date tu, I tak la serik plak nak wat handmade birthday card tu.. I still wat lagi.. This time I make sure that it is confirm its Amoy's birthday.. Check kat wall Fb dia berkali2.. Hoho.. Tanak pisang berbuah 2 kali.. (Yang Kak Sham aritu I tak dapat nak check coz tak kawan dengan dia di Fb..hehe..)

Tadaa.. This is da card.. The love is made of ribbons.. Siap ade eyelet kat name tu..
This is the inside part of the card.. I put some labuci on it and i used my stamp for the picture.. Quotes taken from the net..
I did this dalam keadaan tergesa-gesa. So takde la sempat nak mengarang quotes or wish sendiri.. Google je sempat.. Owh, and we celebrated her birthday in Bora Ombak.. Next to the badminton place yang kitorang maen kat Ampang tu.. Tak banyak pon gambar yang i capture coz telefon abez battery plak.. Huhu..

Ni je one picture yang I sempat ambik.. Yang next to Atia tu is Dina and her baby.. Her birthday is yesterday.. (Amoi-20.10.12.. Dina-19.10.12, same with Liza..)
Ok la.. Nak ready pegi kelas.. Daa..

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Hurm.. Yesterday is a very sad sad sad day for us.. En.asben lost his beloved car.. Proton Iswara Aeroback Merah.. Registration number TR 1108.. Somebody had stolen the car near our house. 

En.asben dah lame park kereta tu kat ujung simpang Lorong 22, Taman Megah ni.. Dekat ngan kedai makan cina hujung jalan neh.. Pastu bile En.asben tanye cine kedai makan tu, dia cakap dalam kol 3-3.30 semalam ade sorang India datang and dok dekat kerete tu.. Pastu cine tu tanye la, nak bawak kerete g mane.. India tu bole reply kate tuan kereta suruh ambik and bawak pi bengkel untuk baiki.. Siap tunjuk car keys lagi..

Entah dari mane entah dapat car keys tu.. Sebab kunci memang ade kat rumah ni satu and kat umah my MIL satu lagi.. Tapi cine tu pon tak boleh la nak kate ape dah sebab dh siap ade kunci kan.. Owh ye.. Cine tu kate lagi, India tu pakai baju workshop lagi.. So, tak syak pape la.. Hurm.. India tu terus start kerete and jalan.. Bye2.. Padahal kerete tu memang dah agak lame tersadai kat situ sebab takde battery.. Ermm, kemusykilan lagi satu.. Kerete tu bole plak di start and jalan kan.. India tu siap bawak battery gamaknye..

Lebih kurang ginilah kete tu..tapi ni bukan dia gambar amek dari google je ni..sebab kami memang tak penah amek gambar Iswara tu sebab dah agak 'lame' kete tu..
Memang I've been asking En.asben to sell that car for all this while.. Tapi tak la sampai nak jadi kes camni.. That car memang agak dah lame, tapi ade so much sentimental value for him and family.. That's why En.asben decided untuk simpan je that car.. I rase ralat sket sebabnye time tu I ade kat umah, tapi tak jenguk or tengok langsung kat kerete tu petang tu (selang dalam 5 buah umah kot kete tu).. Hurm, bole plak En.asben cakap "suke la tu kete tu dah takde" kat i.. Wey, sejahat2 I, I tak penah doakan kete tu hilang tau.. Kalo hilang, we didn't get anything tau.. Kalo jual at least dapat gak la beberape ribu.. =P Huhuhu..

Neway, semalam dah lodge police report pon.. Hopefully, En.asben will get his TR 1108 back.. Kami dh round2 gak cari semalam but to no avail.. Sedey..

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, permudahkanlah kehidupan kami yang tak seberape ni Ya Allah.. Murahkanlah rezeki keluarga kecil kami ni.. Ye, memang semua ni dugaanMu dalam menguji hambaMu ini, namun aku pinta agar Kau kuatkanlah hati2 kami dalam mengharungi semuanya.. Tabahkan hati kami dan bahagiakanlah rumahtangga kami.. Amin..

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Handmade Cards..

Hello..After a while of blog walking, i've made my decision on doing something beneficial (yup, as if for all this while i'm doing nothing beneficial..hahaha..). It seems that quite a number of my relatives and friends celebrating their birthday in September and October (05 September is that's the rationale k.. ;)). So i've decided on doing something for them instead of sending messages thru sms, fb or twitter.. Here are the 'thing'..

Last Sunday September, 30th was nadia's birthday.. So i've made this for her..

Unfortunately, she was admitted to the hospital due to food poisoning. Therefore, i wasn't able to give it to her yet.. :(
This is how easel card should stand.. Cute kan (puji seniri jela..)

My first handmade easel card..
And last Monday, I've just been informed that Kak Shamanee's birthday is on this Saturday (06.10.12).. So i made another easel card for her.. Here are the outcome..
I'm using my newly bought wrapper..
The theme is red and yellow..
With the additional button and ribbon attached to it..

The final outcome..

While writing this entry, it is actually Ayu's (ex-student) and Fatini's (cousin) birthday.. It's on October, 03rd.. Happy Birthday Ayu and Fatini.. Didn't do anything for them coz thinking that i've to post it to them which is a bit time consuming and leceh.. Hehe.. Sorry gurlz.. I'm doing this entry pon because I don't have a heart in completing my assignment which is suppose to be submitted during today's class on this 5pm.. Hohoho..

This is both of the cards..
Without flash..

With flash..I think so, or it is vice versa.. Hahaha..
P/s: I will update about my felt order in the next entry k..