Friday, November 23, 2012

English Education..

Ok.. Today we will learn the usage of some English words that usually get confused or misunderstood.. Please use them wisely peeps..

 Your - possessive > you own something..
You're - contraction of "you are"..

 Its - indicating possession..
It's - contraction for it is or it has..

Then - used for time..
Than - used for comparison..

Their - possessive > owns something..
They're - contraction for "they are"..
There - refers to a place or idea/abstract..

Effect - noun..
Affect - verb (if you are unsure, substitute a different verb and see if it works)..

Weather - snow, rain, sunshine, typhoons..
Whether - if..

Lose - opposite of win..
Loose - not tight..

This is the wrongly use phrase ye..
To - preposition > (1) toward, (2) reaching as far as, and (3) until
Too - adverb > (1) additionally, (2) excessively, (3) very, or (4) extremely

Credit to Google images for all pictures.. I think by putting the pictures, it makes the learning fun.. ;)


Thursday, November 22, 2012

1st Anniversary

11.11.11 - The most memorable day in my life..It's the day of our solemnization..Two hearts become one..

11.11.12 - It has been a year of shared life..

Hehe.. This is the update of today's activity (11.11.12).. Malas tulis panjang2.. Let the pictures do the talking..

We went to my In-Laws..En.asben cooks some mee bandung and we went to my MIL's house to give the mee bandung..
  Next, we went to AEON Cheras Selatan. Saje nak jalan-jalan.. Nak abezkan mase berdua.. When i'm with you there's nothing i wouldn't do.. Kat AEON, we watched Skyfall..

After the movie watching session, we went to Popular.. I don't know why, but I love to go into bookstores (it doesn't matter whether I'm buying anything or not..I just love it..hehe..). I bought this book. I don't have any idea of the writer nor the story at all.. I just bought this book because of the price (yea2 I know, what a cheapskate me rite..but who cares..I'm a student kot, takde income tetap k..sabar jela..hahaha..). Well, the actual price is RM36.90, but after discount, I got it for RM7.90.. Murah giler kot..

After that, we went to surau for solat maghrib (pegi Popular dulu sebab Popular adalah setingkat bawah daripada cinema and the surau kat tingkat bawah dari Popular..bukan sebab nak melewat2kan solat yek. I pick the book, bayar and terus gerak.). Pastu, keluar jek dari surau terus en.asben hulur a bouquet of flower. Terkezut gak tapi terime dengan senyum lebar.. Mekasih b..yang bouquet cantik2 tu lupe nak tangkap dah letak dalam vase baru nak tangkap.. Ok la tu daripada takde langsung..

After that, we went to Flora Cafe yang terletak di Ampang.. I yang come up with Flora Cafe tu sebab I rancang nak sambut birthday en.asben kat sini waktu 28.10.12 aritu, tapi plan tu tak jadi coz kami balik Ipoh due tu Raya Haji kalo tak silap.. So during our 1st Anniversary neh, en.asben sendiri yang ajak pegi sane.. Nice and cozy i would say..

This is what we had that day.. En.asben ate Set lunch yang ade nasi, ikan masin, telur masin, ulam raja, sambal belacan, asam pedas ikan pari, tembikai and air sirap (yang dalam mangkuk kecik tu lupe dah ape die..) (gambar atas kiri). While I ate Laksa Johor and teh tarik (gambar atas kanan and kiri bawah..).. For desert, we had Pisang Sira Ais Krim (best giler).. What we ate are recommended by the waitress cum owner dia (rasenye la).. Bil tu adalah jumlah bayaran yang dikenakan.. Murah jek.. Ok long as tak cecah ratus2.. :P 

After that, we went to downtown @ mines.. We didn't bought anything pon. Just jalan2 abeskan mase..Lepas semua session tu, kami pon pulang ke rumah dengan hati yang gembire.. Lalalalalala..

My bounty is as boundless as the sea, 
My love as deep; the more I give to thee, 
The more I have, for both are infinite.
(Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, 2.2.139-41)

P/s: Let the pictures do the talking konon.. Banyak gak yang I bebel kan..hehe..

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today (Nov,10), I had sacrificed my early morning sleep by following en.asben to his office. Shocked? Haha.. Not really went to his office and buat kerja.. I'm actually accompanied him in order to go to Kedai Bunga Reben.. Hehe.. To buy my crafts supply la.. Pin untuk buat brooch tu dah habis.. So I need to go there to get some stocks.. Why did I went there with him? Coz I'm really bad at direction.. Pakai la GPS ke, WAZE ke, google maps pon.. I will lost punye..

So this morning, en.asben brought me to his office, then we had breakfast at The Weld then he dropped me dekat Kedai Bunga Reben..I bought 5 colors of felt (+got 1 for free), 2 printed felt,pin for the brooch, velcro tape and some threads. Then I went to Nagoya and bought 2 meters of cotton cloth (different designs).. Plus I sempat sambar 2 shawls.. Hehe..Shawls tu obviously la bukan untuk my craft project. Hehe..

Both shawls.. RM5 each..
6 pieces of A4 size felt, 2 pieces of printed felt, Velcro (zap-on), and pin..
The threads..
Owh ye, point I buat entry ni adalah untuk bercerita tentang hal I merempit dengan en.asben tadi. Bukan pasal barang2 that I bought. Hehe.. We choose to ride the motorcycle coz we want t avoid traffic jammed kat tengah KL tadi.. 

I don't know la ape perasaan en.asben selama dia naik motor pegi kerja hari2 tu.. But for me, every time I naik motor, I akan excited sket.. Haha.. Yela, bile naek motor, I rase seronok sebab dapat tengok alam ni  secara live gitu. Kalo naik kereta, asyik pasang air cond and the windows will be tightly shut. Bile naik motor, of course la en.asben will be the official driver coz I don't have motorcycle license.. Hehe..

Other than that, naek motor ni akan excite me in term of the thrill that we will go through. Ape thrillnye? Yela, bile ade kerete yang tak bersopan yang tak memberi signal bile nak tukar lane, so kite yang naek motor ni mesti la kene hebat dalam mengelak. Thrill but dangerous k.. Pastu, naek motor ni gak kite kene pandai cilok.. Baru bole dok depan kat trafic light. Hahaha.. (I'm not supposed to say kite rite?coz bukan I yang bawak motor tu pon.. Hehe..)  

The correct way of overtaking.. In a Malaysian context ok.. Where the driver should be on the right side.. (credit to google)
I don't really mind naik motor even though both of us ada kereta.. I like it.. Senang, cepat, efficient, n etc la.. Pada aweks2 and pakwe2 yang kate "Eeuwwww.. Tak nak la naek motor, tak kelasss gitu..", I banned u all from my life (Haha.. Like u all give a crap pon kan.. I'm just saying k..). Owh ye, it's good jugak yang korang tak suke naek motor tu, kurang la sikit penunggang motorsikal di jalanraya + kurangla pemandangan aweks berpeluk erat bagaikan tak nak bagi angin lalu di antara aweks2 dan pakwe2 di jalanraya..Kalo husband and wife yang sah peluk erat2 takpe la..Ngehngehngeh..

For me, I like to ride motorcycle since i was small lagi (bukan la I yang bawak, dah tentu la jadi penumpang je).. Since I was small, my dad always bawak I pegi jalan2 naek motor dia.. Nak tau motor ape? Vespa kottttt.. Kelasss tak? Hipster tak? Hahahaha.. When my little sisiter was born, I rase motor tu was no longer available kot.. Ntah, tak berapa nak ingat..

Vespa ayah tu ala2 macam ni la.. Colour pon lebih kurang ar.. Cool eh? Hehe.. (credit to google)
Sekarang ni kat rumah ibu and ayah tu ada la lagi motor.. Tapi takde dah la Vespa. Sekarang dah pakai Kriss (blue).. Hehe.. Ibu pakai motor tu bawak pegi surau. Antara tiga2 adik-beradik I ni, I jek yang bole bawak motor (even though takde license). Tu sebab kalo tige2 beradik ade kat rumah, yang kene pegi kedai mesti I. Tapi selalunye malas jek. Bukan malas nak naek motor, malas nak bersiap. Ekekeke..

Ok. Tu jelah cerita I and motorcycle k. I like mat rempittt.. Hahaha.. B, I love you so much (tetibe). Eh3..en.asben bukan mat rempit k..

p/s: Tomorrow will be our 1st anniversary.. Impatiently waiting..

Second honeymoon..

Last 6 months (June), is the month where I had to face my second miscarriage (sad). However, June is also the month where we went for our second honeymoon. This might be en.asben's way of making me happy and not thinking too much on the miscarriage. Owh, the trip has been planned awal tahun aritu lagi. We bought the package during MATTA fair. So dapat la murah and sangat worth.. Hehe..

We went to Medan, Indonesia coz I yang pilih nak jalan2 not just nak duduk kat pantai and berenang jek. So the guy kat MATTA fair tu suggest pegi Medan. I'm not a shopaholic, so I pilih la tempat yang bukan khusus untuk shopping. Hehe.. Gelak coz I end up buying beberapa pasang telekung, kain batik and kain pelekat . Well, its not just for me. I bought those things as a souvenir untuk semua relatives and family I.

Sampai2 je di Medan, macam biase la.. I kelaparan. Haha.. So kitorang ajak en.supir (driver cum tourist guide) pegi makan dulu..

2 pictures on the left yang ade tulang2 tu lunch kitorang (dh tinggal tulang baru nak tangkap gambo..). Yang the rest tu dinner. I tak makan berat malam tu coz tak larat. I minum/makan (tak tau nak gune yang mane) sup je..
Our first honeymoon kami ikut my family ke Port Dickson.. So yang second ni kami berdua jela plak.. We went there on 28.06.12-01.07.12.. Kami pegi ke sana by Firefly.

First day di Parapat.. Yang pasangan Singh tu adalah husband and wife yang bersama-sama kami sepanjang 4 hari kami disana..

Second day di Lake Toba. Yang dalam bekas tu adalah kacang bipang.. That's me (yang tak larat due to the miscarriage) and en.asben.

Love is in the air.. Ni kami di Lake Toba..

Ni plak naek bot nak ke perkampungan Batak di Lake Toba.. Kami melawat kubur orang2 batak. Atas bot, kami dihiburkan oleh sekumpulan remaja yang menyanyi and main instrument.

Ini pulak adalah perumahan orang Batak..

Yang ni adalah mesin tenun yang ada di atas salah 1 rumah orang Batak tu. We bought 1 of the tenunan. Yang black color tu adalah kain tenunan tu. Kami wat table cloth.. Buah tu pulak adalah buah kopi..

Yang ni adalah Istana Maimon.. Creepy k..

Still in Istana Maimon.. Yang tu adalah senarai Raja yang tinggal kat Istana tu.. Sekarang je dah takde Raja kat situ..
 End of the hall of pictures for our honeymoon.. Banyak je lagi.. Tapi tak dapat la nak letak semua..

Friday, November 9, 2012

Random crafts..

Ok.. In this entry, I would like to WARN you that it will be a bit chaotic k. Haha.. Banyak benda I've accomplished a few weeks ago.. Maklumlah, sedikit busy due to mid term, so I tak sempat nak update blog wat bende laen sempat la.. Hehe.. Student la katakan..

First, last month. Tak ingat la ari ape and tarikh bile.. I managed to complete Nad's order of 4 name key chains..Tapi tak ambik2 lagi coz tak berpeluang jumpe lagi. Masing2 busy.. Hehe..

Afeef and Rayyan - her son.. Hureen and Maisara - her anak buah.. My own design coz she didn't specified any design..
Second, last month jugak, I managed to make a scrapbook for all my movie tickets since 2007.. Haha.. I memang collect almost all the movie tickets yang i watched.. I hanya tak dapat kumpul sekiranya rakan yang i ajak tengok tu tak bagi ticket kat I coz lupe or dah ilang ntah kemana.. Yang before 2007 pon ade tapi ntah dalam kotak mane ntah.. Maklumla berpindah-randah I neh..

Tadaa.. This is my mini scrapbook.. First time buat.. Adela yang tak kene sikit2 but I don't really bother coz sape je pon nak tengok and uruskan kalo bukan i kan.. I've made this using small envelopes..
Third, I've accomplished in doing some brooches for my sisters.. I berjaya siapkan 1 for my elder sister, 2 for my younger sister and seven more for her friends plus several more for sale during last Hari Raya Haji (to my relatives la..). I've made them using felt and pin la.. Owh..I've made 1 for me as well. The biggest.. My sisters nak yang kecik jek.. My elder sister jek nak yang medium size.. Ikut la. Macam2.. Owh, and I got tempahan lagi from my cousin Fatin.. 10 brooches.. Yay!!

Huh.. Comel tak? Tak tau la nak kategorikan bunge ni bunge ape.. Nak kate ros tak macam ros pon.. Ikot la korang nak panggil bunge ape.. Asal korang bahagia.. Hehe.. Harge 1 brooch neh RM1.50. Tapi kalo amek 12, I jual RM1/each..
Lastly.. Huh, nasib baek dah last kan.. Hehe.. Last week jugak my SIL's son was admitted to hospital due to pneumonia. Hurm, kesian Nasyran.. Asyik keluar masuk hospital jek. Sian gak kat my SIL and husbandnye. So bile en.asben kate jom lawat Acan, I pon terus terfikir nak bring something for him. Saje nak cheer him up.. I end up making him a get well soon card and en.asben took 1 of the toys yang he bought kat pasar malam aritu untuk bagi kat Acan. The toy is a gun yang ade bunyi2. (Unfortunately, SIL cakap its not functioning pon bile dah letak battery..Hurm, sorry Acan.. We'll bring other toy for you next time k..).

Heee.. Its a get whale soon card.. With his picture tengah jelir lidah.. Haha.. Comey je Acan..
Ok.. I'm done with the update for today.. Wah! mentang2 dah tau nak gune Photoscape, semua gambar gune Photoscape.. Good.. Hehe..

See ya in my next entry..

Deepavali Valthukkal!!

Hehe.. I know it's not Deepavali yet.. Today is 09.11.12.. Deepavali will be celebrated on 13.11.12.. Hehe.. This is an advance wish lah..

Due to the upcoming Deepavali, I've made some handmade cards in wishing Happy Diwali for my friends in UPM. The cards come with a bookmark which I used my new paper trimmer for the dashed line..

This is the cards.. I just print out some picture from the net for the inside of the cards. However the outcome is not that satisfactory due to my printer's ink.. Grrrr..

Last Wednesday was my last class with them before the mid sem break starts. So i've given the card to Kavitha, however K.sham was absent because she was under the whether.. Food poisoning.. So I was not being able to give it to her that day.. Pity you K.Sham.. Get well soon k.. I'll give it to you next next week k.. Hehe..


P/s: Owh, by the way, this is da product of using Photoscape.. :)

Mid Sem Break!!

Yay!! Haha.. Its finally here.. Yup, mid semester break has officially started.. Well, last Wednesday was the last class before my mid sem break starts. Hehe..musti la gumbira.. Nak pegi holiday. Yay!! En.asben dah ajak pegi jalan-jalan since da 2nd sem started lagi.. Hehe.. gembira-gembira..

Nak pegi mane? Tungguuuuu.. Hehehe.. I'll update my love destination later k.. Owh ye..since my break has started, I pun mula la dok depan computer mencari ilham bermain games. Hahahaha.. Pastu teringat kat our honeymoon pictures yang  tak di upload2 pon lagi..  Pegi punye la dah lame dah.. Naik dah basi dah pun..

Tapi takpe, walaupon agak dah basi, I'll upload and make an entry bout it anyway.. Haha.. En.asben dah lame dah suruh buat entry pasal our honeymoon tu, but the thing is, banyak sangat picturenye.. Me being me, mesti la nak letak semua kebanyakkan daripadanya kat my blog neh.. Mane boleh nak pilih-pilih.. Mesti nk letak banyak2.. Hehe.. Greedy kan.. 

Disebabkan I neh yang tak berapa nak ngam dengan technology, I agak terkial-kial berfikir macam mana caranye nak gabung banyak-banyak gambar jadi 1 macam yang Fafau selalu wat kat instagram tu.. I dunno how to use photoshop. I rase photoshop tu complicated.. Tu pasal I end up tak buat-buat entry pasal my honeymoon di Medan, Indonesia tu.. Tamak punye pasal.. :'(

Memang en.asben sangat hebat dengan computer and technology plus Photoshop, maklumlah, photographer.. Tapi beliau sentiasa sibuk and I ni kalo complicated sikit je I dah malas nak belajar dah.. I nak yang mudah-mudah jek.. Hehehe..

So arini I telah pun menggoogle 'how to combine pictures'. First result yang I dapat adalah using Picasa by this guy. I dah download Picasa tu and try.. Cantik memang cantik, tapi the problem is, agak lame gak la nak kene tunggu untuk hasilnya.. Nevertheless, I'm thankful to en.blogger tersebut.. Owh, dah tak jadi tu, I pon uninstall jek software tu.. Sorry Picasa.. :'(

Next, I google lagi (thankful la pada google gak..). Pastu I found this Smilebox. Pon bole gabung gambar bayak-banyak.. However, the problem is, i have to 'get photos and videos' from 'my computer'.. I don't want to get the photos from the icon in 'my computer' because ada sangat banyak pictures dalam tu.. Ye, sebab en.asben adalah photographer (diingatkan sekali lagi ye.. :)) I need software yang I boleh choose gambar yang I nak, dari folder yang I nak jek..

Bile dia kene download pictures yang banyak2 tu la agaknya yang membuatkan program tu lambat nak jadi.. Tu la kot penyebab Picasa tadi tu lambat sangat.. I plak jenis tak sabar.. Hohoho.. So, I  tak jadi gune Smilebox jugak.. So cari balik folder Smilebox untuk process uninstall.. Tapi tak jumpe icon uninstall untuk smilebox tu.. Tapi I jumpe benda laen.. Hehe.. Tetibe I ternampak icon Photoscape.. Mungkin en.asben guna kot.. 

I pon terus berenti dari niat nak uninstall Smilebox coz tak jumpe button and teruskan dengan software Photoscape neh.. I loike.. Sangat pantas and simple.. Orang yang sengal2 technology cam i ni bole la gune dengan senang hatinye.. I pon mulekan process combining all the pictures in 1 frame.. Hehe.. Nak tengok hasilnye? Dalam entry laen eh.. Entry honeymoon.. Hehe..

Ok, see u guys soon..daa..