Hello.. Haha..tengok tajuk tu.. Lame kan tak jenguk blog ni. Hehe.. Aritu nak update, tapi bole plak terlupe ape password blog neh.. Hah, amek kau.. Sampai lupe password sebab dah lame sangat.. Haha.. Ni pun sebab En.Asben yang ingatkan balik password I.. Bole tak..? Terok terok la.. Hehe..
Anyway, ada berita gembira and sedih yang nak dikongsi harini..First, mari kita dengar bercerita pasal bad news dulu k.. Ok, disebabkan dah lame tak update, maka we need to do some flashback sikit k..
Hurm.. Semester ketiga ni start on Feb 18th, 2013, its on Monday. I've classes on every Monday, Tuesday n Wednesday. So the classes go on and on for the 3 months onwards.. My classes ended on May 28th, 2013. Well, throughout the sem adalah sangat 'serabut' and very very chaotic (nampak tak double very tu, means..paham2 la..huhu..). It's not just me, almost all of my friends said the same. Diorang pun kate diorang rase tak terurus sem ni..
We've tried to figure it out and we found out that all the 'serabutness' might be due to the problem that occur pada awal-awal sem aritu.Kitorang ade problem pasal project paper (6 crdt hour) and seminar yang satu je kreditnye. Maklumlah, dah sem ketiga, dah nak abez belajar, so mesti la nak kene produce and present paper.. Then, pelan-pelan, masalah ni selesai. Tapi keserabutan tu entah kenapa mengekori kitorang sampai to the end of the sem..
And in the end.. Jeng jeng jeng.. The bad news arrived today.. June 25th, 2013.. Ape bad newsnye? Dah tentu la result for this sem.. Menyedihkan.. Sem lepas, Alhamdulillah i got GPA 3.91.. Sem ni dah tentu tentu turun dengan teruknye.. Well, result penuh tak keluar lagi, but 2 subjects yang dah dapat tu I only managed to get B+.. Sedihnye.. Sepanjang sem, En.Asben sangat concern ngan my condition and keep on asking, bole score tak this sem, jawapan I semestinya entahla..
B.. Sorry tau.. Hurm, my pointer jatuh banyak.. You've done everything to keep me going in my study neh, but I tak dapat nak maintain last sem punye pointer.. Sorry.. Sincere apology from the bottom of my heart.. Huhu.. Hurm, dah la pasal cerita sedih ni.. Let me cope and devour my failure on my own jek..
Let us go into the good news plak. Well, ni pun kene do some flashback jugak.. Let's start with the date of 11.11.11.. Hehe.. That is the day of our solemnization.. I became Mrs. Abu.. Hehe..
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Us.. Outdoor in Ipoh, Perak.. |
Alhamdulillah, kami berjaya hadapi both miscarriages and berpantang. Yeay!! Merasa la berpantang.. En.asben berpantang skali.. Hehe.. I thought this is all happening because of me gak.. Dari before kawen dah cakap, kalo boleh I nak hidup berdua jek ngan En.Asben for a year.. Then, mungkin tulah yang Tuhan bagi pada kami.. Ape-ape pun, I and En.Asben tetap bersyukur and teruskan life as usual.. Everything happens for a reason and life goes on..
Then, in April, 2013.. Alhamdulillah.. Hehe.. my period was late. And I've my home pregnancy test on April 30th.. This is the result..
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Tadaa.. Both lines adalah sangat clear compared to my past pregnancy test yang miscarried tu.. |
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Ini adalah panduan untuk yang baru 1st time tengok PT strip k.. Hehe.. Two lines means.. Hehe.. Senyum tak perlu kata apa-apa.. |
Seharian kami berhati duka.. Takkan la blighted ovum lagi cause my morning sickness sangat teruk.. Takpe, En.asben kate, esok gak kita pegi Hospital Az-Zahra ye yang.. Ok, tapi molot I tak habis-habis salahkan dia sebab tak nak bawak I pergi Az-Zahra awal2 lagi..
On 15 May, 2013, kami ke Az-Zahra.. Alhamdulillah, menitis air mata ni bile dengar heartbeats baby buat kali pertama dalam my life.. Doctor Noraini tunjuk yang fetus tu ada and ok.. Sangat gembira hokeyyy.. Hehe.. Menangis kegembiraan sampai Dr.Noraini kene hulur tissue.. My baby boo.. Mommy loves u so much..
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Yang ni scan waktu 10th week.. 28.05.13.. Alhamdulillah, the fetus berkembang pesat.. Hehe.. |
P/s: Doakan saya and baby akan melalui hari-hari yang smooth and sihat sokmo ye.. Hehe.. Thanx in advance, my dear readers..